[. . . ] OK OK  If the appliance is fitted under the counter, make sure that the hob piping is positioned correctly and that it does not interfere with the oven during installation or obstruct the rear vents of the cooling fan. Positioning  Keep all packaging materials out of the reach of children. it may present a choking or suffocation hazard (see Precautions and tips).  The appliance must be installed by a qualified person in compliance with the instructions provided. [. . . ] Cooling ventilation In order to cool down the external temperature of the oven, a cooling fan generates a stream of air which escapes between the oven control panel and the oven door. At the beginning of the FAST CLEAN mode, the cooling fan operates at low speed.  Once the cooking has been completed, the cooling fan continues to operate until the oven has cooled down sufficiently. Oven light When the oven is not in operation, the lamp can be switched on at any time by opening the oven door. :LWKRXW UHPRYDEOH JXLGH UDLOV 'HFODUHG HQHUJ\ FRQVXPSWLRQ IRU )RUFHG FRQYHFWLRQ &ODVV ¤ KHDWLQJ PRGH *UDWLQ 7KLV DSSOLDQFH FRQIRUPV WR WKH IROORZLQJ (XURSHDQ (FRQRPLF &RPPXQLW\ GLUHFWLYHV ((& GDWHG  /RZ 9ROWDJH DQG VXEVHTXHQW DPHQGPHQWV  ((& GDWHG  (OHFWURPDJQHWLF &RPSDWLELOLW\ DQG VXEVHTXHQW DPHQGPHQWV  ((& GDWHG  DQG VXEVHTXHQW DPHQGPHQWV ((& 20 Cooking modes Manual cooking modes  All cooking modes have a default cooking temperature which may be adjusted manually between 40°C and 250°C as desired. In the BARBECUE mode, the default power level value is indicated as a percentage (%) and may also be adjusted manually. Since the heat remains constant throughout the oven, the air cooks and browns food in a uniform manner. BARBECUE mode The top heating element and the rotisserie spit (where present) are activated. By pressing the “+” and “-” buttons on the left hand side of the control panel, the power levels that may be set will appear on the TEMPERATURE display; these range between 5% and 100%. The high and direct temperature of the grill is recommended for food which requires a high surface temperature. GRATIN mode The top heating element and the rotisserie spit (where present) are activated and the fan begins to operate. : Practical cooking advice  Do not place racks in position 1 and 5 during fanassisted cooking. This is because excessive direct heat can burn temperature sensitive foods.  In the BARBECUE and GRATIN cooking modes, particularly when using the rotisserie spit, place the dripping pan in position 1 to collect cooking residues (fat and/or grease). MULTILEVEL • Use positions 2 and 4, placing the food which requires more heat on 2. The top heating element is regulated by a thermostat and may not always operate constantly. For a crispy crust, do not use the dripping pan as it prevents the crust from forming by extending the total cooking time. • If the pizza has a lot of toppings, we recommend adding the mozzarella cheese on top of the pizza halfway through the cooking process. 7KH FRRNLQJ WLPHV OLVWHG DERYH DUH LQWHQGHG DV JXLGHOLQHV RQO\ DQG PD\ EH PRGLILHG DFFRUGLQJ WR SHUVRQDO WDVWHV 2YHQ SUHKHDWLQJ WLPHV DUH VHW DV VWDQGDUG DQG PD\ QRW EH PRGLILHG PDQXDOO\ 24 Precautions and tips  This appliance has been designed and manufactured in compliance with international safety standards. The following warnings are provided for safety reasons and must be read carefully. • If the appliance breaks down, under no circumstances should you attempt to perform the repairs yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or further malfunctioning of the appliance. [. . . ] The holes for the left frame are situated at the top, while the holes for the right frame are at the bottom. Replacing the light bulb To replace the oven light bulb:  Do not place the sliding racks in position 5. Oven compartment Automatic cleaning with the FAST CLEAN function With the FAST CLEAN mode, the internal temperature of the oven reaches 500°C. The pyrolytic cycle is activated and burns away food and grime residues. [. . . ]